Connected Content Course

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Yes, add the 'Journalling for Launches' Mini Course To Your Order

Special offer, 60% off, only $88 $36

In this powerful, 3-part course I'll share with you: 

  • how to really get behind your offer energetically, 
  • how to set powerful goals before you launch, 
  • managing your energy throughout the launch, 
  • a powerful exercise to work through 'stories' as they come up, 
  • what to track & learn from 

...& with all of this you'll be in a position to really stand behind the transformation of what it is that you do, calling in more sales without the stress & second-guessing yourself

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    Connected Content course pay in full: $444$444.00
  • Preferred option
    Connected Content course split pay (3x $155)3x $155.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


Connected Content$0

“I sent one email using this process and immediately got over 70 signups to my workshop

“I went in doubting this could help me get over so many fears and blocks around sharing my work and connecting with my right people, but with just a few simple but incredibly powerful prompts, Ruth helped me unlock so much powerful truth and magic, and I’m excited again to talk about what I offer.

Here's what you get when you sign up to Connected Content:

  • New & improved version of course
  • 3 Core Phases of Connected Content: Connecting to yourself, connecting to your right people, + converting that to sales
  • Powerful workbook to help you implement this powerful, magnetising content in your business.
  • Sales-boosting content prompts designed to help you write straight from the heart (normally reserved for myself and my high-touch clients – we’ve made more sales & called in perfect clients using these exact prompts!)
  • BONUS: Brand new alchemising visualisation to tune out the noise of day-to-day life, connect you back to the essence of who you are, and to tune into again and again when creating your own connected content (this is worth the price of this training alone!)
  • lifetime access 
  • ongoing support in my client-only Facebook group

  • Total payment
  • 1xConnected Content$0

All prices in USD


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