Soft Selling Course  

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Add-on: The Aligned Pricing Process

Only $9
Choose the best prices for your offers with this $9 add-on...

The super-simple (but powerful) 3-step process to decide on your aligned price, conquer your fear & resistance around claiming that price & confidently put your price out there.

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  • Preferred option
    Pay in full ($147)$147.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (3x $55.00)3x $55.00

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NOTE: if you're already in the Soulful Sales Society, you already have access to this course for as long as you stay a member.

Soft Selling (Full)$0

Here's what you'll learn in this course:

Part 1: Soft Selling Mindset

  • The number 1 thing you need to shift to embrace daily selling, fully trusting that you aren’t being pushy or overwhelming your audience 
  • And how to do it all in full alignment with your unique personality, values and energy. 

Part 2: Soft Selling Strategy

  •  A real list of practical daily actions to make selling a natural part of your life (without feeling like you need to hide away afterwards) 
  • My favourite technique for selling daily even when I’m not physically “there”, whether I’m on holiday or just don’t have the capacity 
  • How to tie selling seamlessly into what you’re already doing, so that extra sales don’t have to mean extra work for you

Part 3: Soft Selling Systems

  • The number 1 tracking system I recommend you set up to make soft selling become second nature 
  • How to make more sales from freebies and evergreen content

By the end of the course, you will have already experienced a shift in how you see sales. Plus you'll have a list of quick-fire actions to start implementing daily, soft sales into your business right away (this is something you'll refer back to again and again).

And you have 2 ways to access the content (watch the member area replay or listen on the private podcast)

"I feel like I have a better relationship with selling now.”

“Ruth’s approach supports you to shift how you think about selling (in a gentle but powerful way), which means you’ll do a lot more of it!”

“Your course transformed the ways I think about sales and marketing"
“Selling can be gentle and a daily activity. That’s a huge transformation for me.”

  • Total payment
  • 1xSoft Selling (Full)$0

All prices in USD


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